The Concept Of Ar-Rahman in Surah e Mulk (Part 5-6)

In ayah No. 12 of Surah Mulk, Allah Almighty reveals an important rewards for the believers: forgiveness (Maghfirah) as the first gift for those who enter Jannah.

Concept Of Ar-Rahman

Concept Of Ar-Rahman in Surah e Mulk

However, Allah Almighty forgiveness does not conceal our sins; rather, he is “Al-Siteer” (The Coverer, The Concealer), who hides our sins from others out of his mercy, so that we do not feel ashamed, especially in front of our loved ones. Therefore, admittance to paradise cannot be achieved solely through Allah’s (SWT) forgiveness, but also requires his Rahma, his mercy.

This is why Allah Almighty often describes himself as “Ghafoor Ur-Rahim”. Similarly, Hazrat Adam’s (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) Dua implores Allah Almighty to forgive them (Waghfirlana) and have mercy apon them (Warhamna), without which they would be lost forever.

(The Quran, 7:23). In a well-known hadith narrated by Abu Huraira (RA), the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasizes that even he cannot enter Jannah without the mercy of Allah Almighty. Even for him ﷺ, Allah ‘s سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى forgiveness alone will not suffice. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5673). However, if we perform those acts for the sake of Allah Almighty, we can withhold any harsh treatment that they may deserve and that we may have the right to inflict upon them.

The Wider Definition of Nazeer

Allah Almighty doesn’t want us to wrong ourselves and suffer the consequences for our bad deeds. He gives us many chances throughout our lifetime to redeem ourselves and hence presents us with trials and tribulations to not only expiate our sins but to bring us closer to him and correct our “Akhlaaq” (Character). Allah Almighty is “Al-Adl” (The just One).

He will never put us through any difficulty longer than we can bear (Surah Baqarah ayah No. 286), and he will also end many signals to warn us if we start detracting from the right path. Many of these chances or opportunities come in the form of a ‘Nazeer‘. The basic definition of Nazeer is a warner, and this concept has been touched upon in Surah Mulk as well.

Al-AdlThe Just One

Ayah No. 8 and 9 initiate the dialogue of a nazeer, where the wrongdoers, before being plunged into the hellfire, are being asked by the gatekeepers of Jahanam weather any warner came to them during their lifetime to warn them about this dreadful day? As we keep reading these graphics yet scary ayat, we also come to understand our human nature.

Concept Of Ar-Rahman in Surah e Mulk

Our pride and arrogance have put blinders of heedlessness in front of our eyes, and our hearts often cannot experience Allah’s presence as we are so involved in our worldly pursuits that they in fact become our false gods.

In this state of ‘Ghaflah’ (Heedlessness), all the nazeers sent by Allah Almighty bounce off and seldom penetrate into our hearts. Ayah No. 9 reads;

“Yes, indeed, a warner did come to us, but we rejected him and said, Allah has revealed nothing; you are merely in gross error”.

Let us try to lit our veils of heedlessness and tap into the nazeers Allah Almighty has sent to warn us, to make us our best version before it is too late when we are returned back to him on the day of judgment. A nazeer is definitely a Prophet, as Allah Almighty send them to nations. A nazeer could be disciples of the Prophet (A.S), like the companions of Rasool Allah (SAW).

A nazeer could be a “Waliullah” (The friend of Allah). Whom he chooses to give divine wisdom. A nazeer could also ne an ordinary human being, who may stand up and warn his people to submit to Allah Almighty. A great example of such a person is highlighted in the Quran itself.

Also Read:

In Surah Yaseen, Allah Almighty mentions such a person:

“In the meantime, a man came running from the remote part of the city and said: ‘O my people! follow Rasools.” (36:20)

Last Words

The Quran and hadith are our guides for a lifetime if only we choose to allow them to become our guides. Therefore, a nazeer is someone or something that gives us a constant sense of warning. Their mere presence is sufficient warning. Let us try and find our nazeer, and if we can’t even do that, let us at least make a sincere dua asking to Allah for help us. Aameen.

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