Surah Al Mulk 1-30 – Read Surah Mulk Full Download PDF

Download & read Surah Al-Mulk, the 67th chapter of the Quran. Explore its 30 verses on sovereignty, revealed in Meccan. Listen to Surah Mulk online.

Read Surah Mulk before going to sleep every night, because Surah Mulk is the protector from the punishment of the grave and also saves you from the day of judgment.

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Surah Mulk
Surah Mulk
Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk: Benefits, Meaning, and Importance in Islam

Surah Al-Mulk, also known “The Sovereignty,” is the 67th chapter in the Qur’an. The name Al-Mulk means “kingship” or “dominion.” Muslims love this surat for its ease of memorization and profound message & benefits. Many Muslim believe that this surah was revealed in mecca. Allah revealed it to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during Islam’s early years. This Chapter contains 30 Ayats, which scholars have divided into 2 sections (ruku).

Surah Al Mulk is divided into three main sections, such as the Nature of Allah, the creation of the universe, and the Day of Judgment. Each section deals with a different aspect and meaning. The main theme of this sura of the Holy quran is:

“No individual can impose his will on another and Allah is the master of the whole universe and He has control over everything.”

Chapter#Al-Mulk 67
Meaning of Al-Mulk“Kingships”
Numbers of Ayaah and words30 Verses and 337 words
Revelation placeMakkah
Numbers of Rukūs2 Ayaat 14 to 30
Number of Manzil07

What is Surah Mulk? (Central Theme)

The majority of the Mufassareen (Qur’anic exegetes) consider Sura Tabarrak, also known as the Chapter of Kingdom and the Chapter of Intense Blessing. It forms an integral part of the 29th Juz of the Qur’an. Al-Mulk is a Makki Surah, and the Suras of Makkan origin focus heavily on the Day of Judgment, Jahannam, and Jannah. They address the realities we all face. That’s why Prophet ﷺ said…

“If you knew what I knew, you would not find pleasure in sleeping with your wives.”

said another authentic hadith:

“If you knew what I knew, you would not bury your dead.”

And said another authentic hadith:

“If you knew what I would know, you would cry more and laugh less.”

It is relatively short and presents an intense and dramatic subject matter that commands the attention of Muslims from the very first verse. It mainly addresses the topic of ‘Tauba’ (repentance) and portrays vivid imagery of the day of Akhirah (the Hereafter). It also describes Hellfire and depicts the plight of the inhabitants of Jahanam. It illustrates their situation just before the angels cast them into the raging ‘Saeer’ (one of the levels of Hell).

This kind of dramatic imagery, rather than just an outright command to seek Allah’s repentance, often compels the reader or listener to immediately seek Allah’s (SWT) blessing. It motivates them to perform ‘tauba’ by turning to Him and trying to mend their errant ways.

Our Nafs (egos) have overcome many of us, and we do not even realize that pride and arrogance drive most of our actions. Allah, in His ‘Rahma’ (Mercy), shows us, possibly the worst of sinners, a preview of sorts. This preview resembles a film’s trailer or a foresight into a future that may await us beyond this life. Allah provides this terrifying glimpse into the dreadful reality that awaits the most arrogant of sinners, a fate He tells us they cannot escape.

Allah, the Rahman (Most Merciful), in His absolute mercy, instills great fear of this terrible fate in the listener or reader. He also inspires great awe of His power over our destinies. Allah does not do this to terrify us or because He needs our awe or terror, as that would imply Allah needs His creation. In fact, Allah remains free of all needs and omnipotent over everything. Instead, He manifests His mercy and warns man through this, guiding him to return to his original form and to reflect Allah’s most beautiful names.

His blessing during our lifetimes and guides us toward our paths of salvation. This chapter of blessings divides into three main parts. The first part introduces Allah’s greatness, establishing His dominion over everything. The second part features a conversation between those being thrown into ‘Jahannam’ and the ‘Khazanatun,’ angels who serve as the gatekeepers of this hell. The third is a direct dialogue between Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Messenger of Allah).

Our beloved Rasool (SAW) receives instructions to warn the disbelievers about the consequences of their actions. Our Nabi ﷺ must tell them that even he, the ‘Rehmat e Aalamin,’ has not been and will not be exempt from Allah’s trials during his lifetime.

What guarantee do the disbelievers have for salvation on the Day of Judgment? The only way anyone stands a chance in Allah’s count is by seeking His pardon and receiving ‘Maghfirah’ through His mercy. Allah Almighty is, after all, ‘Ghafoor ur Raheem’ (most forgiving, most compassionate). He unlocks the gate to paradise not solely through blessing but with the key of His encompassing mercy. A significant takeaway from this is the reminder for Allah’s creation to also display forgiveness and mercy.

Benefits Of Reciting Surah Mulk Regularly

Only 1–30 Ayaats of one particular 67 sura that is in the Quran kareem continue to beg Allah’s forgiveness until Allah forgives. This Sura is one of the most important in the Kuran because it emphasizes seeking blessing from Allah through a vital means: Demonstrating His power and magnificence.

Importantce Of Recited Every Verse Of Sura al Mulk

If you want to experience a Suraah in Quran that instills total, absolute fear in the heart of a servant of Allah who believes in the Last Day, then look to Surah Al-Mulk. It inspires awe by showcasing the immense magnitude of Allah’s power and might, which is why Allah begins with Surah-Mulk.

(۱) تَبٰرَكَ الَّذِیْ بِیَدِهِ الْمُلْكُ٘- وَهُوَعَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرُ

Allah asks all human beings, “Do you see? If you don’t listen to what I’ve just said, consider this: the water you drink is essential for your survival. Without it, you will die within a day or two. If someone tries to prevent you from accessing this water, who other than Allah can send the water back? We know that everything depends on water.

Think about it—our economy revolves around agriculture, and agriculture relies on water. The economy also depends on livestock, which in turn requires water; everything hinges on water, just as our lives do.

Through this blessing suraat, Allah demonstrates His magnificent power. We know that all people are sinners—I’m a sinner, you’re a sinner, everyone is a sinner—but the best of sinners are those who repent. Both Jannah and Jahannam were created for sinners.

Concept Of Jahannam & Jannah in Surah Al Mulk

Jahannam was not created solely for those who sin; it was also established for those who sin but do not repent. In contrast, Jannah was created for those who sin and then seek forgiveness. Surat mulk was revealed for the most arrogant sinners—those who are haughty and proud, believing they are the greatest and that no one is greater than them. They think, “Who can hold me accountable? I will never die, and I possess the most wealth and riches.” They believe no one surpasses them in health, money, women, or children.

This 67th Quranic chapter addresses the most arrogant of the arrogant people. For this reason, this Sura discusses the topic of tawbah in a unique way; without explicitly telling you to repent, Allah causes you to repent. Allah (SWT) guides you toward repentance because you gain an understanding of the magnitude of His Rahman.

Read, Memorize & Listen Surah Mulk Before Sleeping

If you knew what I know, Allahu Akbar! This is a reality we must connect with today. So, the question is: what is the reality of our Akhirah. Let’s continue, inshallah. Allah has created the sky in all its amazing glory and greatness. He speaks about the sky as an i.e to demonstrate the perfection of the creation of Rahman. If a creation as magnificent as the sky is so perfect, imagine how perfect our Creator is!

Salam, the name of Allah, signifies perfection. He is the perfect God. So, why is He called As-Salam? Because He embodies perfection in every way—perfect in His name, perfect in His attributes, and perfect in every aspect. His words are perfect, His Qur’an is perfect, and His actions are perfect. That is why there is no blemish in anything that Allah does.

The blemish exists only in our minds, stemming from our inability to understand and comprehend, which is why Allah is AS-SALAM. Allah provides an example of His perfection by discussing the skies. Look at the excellence of the skies—how perfect they are! Through this, you will come to know how great rahman is.

In the second part of the first page, Allah shifts to discussing how, as people are thrown into Jahannam, a conversation takes place between them and the Khazana (Devil), along with the 19 angels who oversee Jahannam. Additionally, a man named SUHQ, who has been created for this purpose, also speaks to the people of Jahannam.

Allah Almighty discusses the conversation that takes place between the Khazanati Jahannam, the angels guarding Jahannam, and the people being thrown into it. He describes this interaction in such an amazing and vivid way that you truly feel as if you are right there experiencing it.

Then Allah moves to the second page and addresses whether you believe this or not; indeed, Allah will hold you accountable. He speaks about the greatness of His signs, highlighting how many times he has provided for you. He describes the earth and how Allah has stretched it out, the water He has given us to drink, and how He has made everything easy for us. He points out the valleys He has created for us between the beautiful mountains, which serve as stakes in the ground.

He also discusses the birds and how they fly in the sky in the Ayat of the Quran. Allah  reflects on how we live in this dunya. Imagine our existence here, despite Allah’s ability to send an earthquake or terrifying lightning and thunder that could come down from the sky and destroy us, just as He destroyed the army of the elephant. Thus, Allah instills fear in His ibad and His servants by saying:

‘Do you have a guarantee that Allah will not cause an earthquake right now? Do you have a guarantee that Allah will not make the earth tremble beneath you at this moment? Do you have a guarantee that you will not die when you step outside? You have no guarantees. No one has a guarantee against the wrath of Allah except for those who disbelieve. Therefore, we have no guarantees at all.’

In one authentic narration, it was reported that one of the salaf-us-Salih said:

I met all ten of the Sahabah who were promised Jannah, the 10 Ashra Mubashshireen, and they expressed that each one feared they might be hypocrites. Every single one of them worried that any good happening around them could be a mockery of Allah, fearing that just before their deaths, they might enter Jahannam. Consequently, they all lived their lives in fear of Allah swt. Allaha Almighty created death and life.

So, Allah continues by discussing how, if He does not help you, who will provide for you? Allah is the one who provides for the birds. So, who will provide for you? Which army will come to your aid? Which god will assist you? How will you ever save yourselves? This is what Allah (SWT) addresses in the second part of Surat Al-Mulk. In the final part of Surat Mulk, which is on the third page, Al-rahman speaks about what happens when you see Jahannam on that day.

( فَلَمَّا رَاَوْهُ زُلْفَةً سِیْٓــٴَـتْ وُجُوْهُ الَّذِیْنَ كَفَرُوْا وَ قِیْلَ هٰذَا الَّذِیْ كُنْتُمْ بِهٖ تَدَّعُوْنَ

O people, If I can punish Muhammad ﷺ and his family by giving him difficulty in this Dunya, what will prevent you from having difficulty in this dunya and the Hereafter?

The Prophet ﷺ, who is so close to Allah, faced significant difficulties in his life, as mentioned in the Ayat. All his male children passed away, and many of his daughters died before him. His Sahabah died before him, and his beloved wife and uncle also passed away.

He endured injuries in battle and sometimes went without food for two months, often tying stones around his stomach to cope with the hunger. Yet, if Allah can place His most beloved servant in such challenging situations, what guarantee do you have that Allah will not punish you.

So repent to Allah (SWT) before your final end comes. That is why it was reported in a narration in the book of Tafseer that Shaitan came to Allah and he said,

‘O Allah, I will never ever seize to misguide your slaves until I enter every single one of them into Jahannam. So, Allah replied to him and said, I will never ever seize to forgive them for all their sins as long as they seek forgiveness.’

Read Tafseer of Surah Al-Mulk in English

Allah begins Sura Mulk with the phrase ﷽, as He does with all chapters, which means, “In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.” He then declares, تَبٰرَكَ الَّذِیْ بِیَدِهِ الْمُلْكُ٘- وَهُوَعَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرُ, meaning “Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is competent over all things.” This statement emphasizes that He has the power to do everything and anything. By starting the Sura with تَبٰرَكَ الَّذِیْ بِیَدِهِ الْمُلْكُ٘- وَهُوَعَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرُ, Allah blesses and glorifies Himself, affirming that all blessings and mercy originate from Him.

He starts by glorifying Himself, letting us know that He is complete, the only one, and the source of all blessings. He blesses others and provides barakah to everyone. Through this, He conveys that بِيَدِهِ ٱلْمُلْكُ, meaning “in His hand is the dominion of everything.

Imagine ٱلْمُلْكُ. In other verses from the Quran, He states in Sura Mulk مَـٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ that He owns and has dominion over the entire world and everything in the universe. He controls everything and accomplishes all that occurs within it. Just imagine Him controlling everything—literally everything. He blesses, gives life, and shows His mercy to all people and creation. He is the Lord of everything and the one who created all of humanity.

He controls everything, including the heavens and the earth, the skies and the ground. He oversees the sun and the moon, manages the clouds, rain, and wind, and governs every single occurrence in this world. He takes care of بِيَدِهِ ٱلْمُلْكُ, exercising control over all things. Moreover, وَهُوَعَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرُ, which means He is able and capable of doing anything and everything.

As the scholar states, His command lies between the letters Kath and Noon, which form the Arabic word “kun.” When He says “kun,” it simply means “be,” and it will be. He does not require time to create; He does not need to read anything or use any equipment. He is the Lord who deserves to be worshipped.

Allah controls everything; He manages all aspects of existence. This is our Lord, Allah Almighty, the one God who deserves to be worshipped. Can you imagine that this is our Allah, our Lord, and the Lord of the universe? In verse number two, He states, الَّذِیْ خَلَقَ سَبْعَ سَمٰوٰتٍ طِبَاقًاؕ-مَا تَرٰى فِیْ خَلْقِ الرَّحْمٰنِ مِنْ تَفٰوُتٍؕ-فَارْجِـعِ الْبَصَرَۙهَلْ تَرٰى مِنْ فُطُوْرٍ, which means, “He created death and life to test you, which of you is best in deed—and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” Now that we have the translation, let’s delve deeper into these meanings and understand them more fully.

First of all, He states, الَّذِیْ خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَیٰوةَ, affirming that He is the one who created death and life. Keep in mind that everything Allah mentions in the Quran serves a purpose; He conveys it for hikmah, or wisdom. So, what is the wisdom behind mentioning death before life? It might seem more logical to say life and then death, but Allah emphasizes that He is the one who created death and life.

Allah Almighty created death, and we emerged from nothingness; before our existence, we were completely dead. Imagine that Allah Almighty, in another chapter, asks how we can disbelieve in Him when we were dead, and then He brought us to life

Even before we existed in this world, we were dead; we lived in a dead zone created by Allah (SWT). That is why the scholar explains that we were dead, then came to life, and will die again, after which Allah Almighty will resurrect us. There are four stages in which we experience death. Initially, we did not exist in this world. Then Allah Almighty created us, bringing us to life. Eventually, we will all die, as لَّذِیْ خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ confirms. We will surely die, and then Allah Almighty will bring us back to life on the Day of Judgment.

This is the process: death, life, death, and then, after that, an unlimited life—either in hellfire or in paradise. The choice is yours: which path do you want to select? Do you want to follow the path of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and all the Prophets before him, as well as the path of Allah Almighty? Or will you choose the path of your desires, guided by your own thinking? You might decide to worship an idol or declare that you want to worship nothing at all because you prefer to follow your own desires, rejecting belief in God. This reflects the understanding of atheism and similar concepts.

It’s your choice: you can choose to follow the guidance of the Prophet and embrace the path of Islam, or you can simply select whatever path you desire. You might enjoy a good life, a comfortable life, and a lavish lifestyle, but in the end, you will die. You will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment, where you will account for everything you did. Ultimately, your fate is infinite—either in hellfire or paradise. This is what He conveys.

Arabic text:

تَبٰرَكَ الَّذِیْ بِیَدِهِ الْمُلْكُ٘- وَ هُوَعَلٰى كُلِّ شَیْءٍ قَدِیْرُ (۱) 

(۲) الَّذِیْ خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَیٰوةَ لِیَبْلُوَكُمْ اَیُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ عَمَلًاؕ-وَهُوَالْعَزِیْزُالْغَفُوْرُ

15 Authentic Hadiths Of Prophet ﷺ About Surat Al-Mulk

  • Sura Tabarak also known as surah protector from the punishment of the grave.
  • There is a surah in the Quran that contains only thirty verses that will intercede for its recipient until he is forgiven. This surah is ‘Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion.
  • The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would not sleep until he had recited Sura As-Sajdah and Sura al-Mulk.
  • There is a sura in the Quran of thirty verses, which intercedes for a man until he is forgiven. It is Sura Tabarak Alladhi Biyadihil Mulk.
  • I wish that Surat of Blessing be in the heart of every believer.
  • Whoever recites Sura Mulk every night before sleeping, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave.
  • Whoever recites Surat Al Mulk will be counted as if he has stayed up all night in worship. Mashallah!
  • Surat Al-Mulk will come on the Day of Judgment with a shape like a shade and will say, O Lord! I prevented my recipient from disobeying You in the world, so accept my intercession for him today.
  • Whoever recites surah mulk every night is as if he has recited one-third of the Quran.
  • There is a sura in the Quran that pleads for its recipient until it causes him to enter Jannah.
  • Surat Al Mulk is the preventer and the saviour who saves from the punishment of the grave and day of judgment.
  • Whoever recitation Sura al-Mulk before sleeping, Allah will send an angel to protect him until he wakes up.
  • Recite Sura e Al-Mulk every night, for it is a protected from the punishment of the grave.
  • Whoever recites Surat Al Mulk every night will be protected and reward of standing in prayer all night.
  • Suray Mulk will argue on behalf of its recipient on the Day of Judgment, saying, ‘O Lord! If I am in his book of deeds, do not part from him until You enter him (reciter, believer) into Jannah.

Important Questions

Q: How many Ayaats are in Surat Mulk?

A: Sura Mulk contains 30 Ayaats, making it one of the longest suras in the Quran.

Q: When was Sura Al Mulk revealed?

A: Scholars believe that Sura Al Mulk was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Makkah during the early years of Islam, classifying it as a Makki.

Q: What are the other names of Sura Al-Mulk?

A: Al Mulk is also known as Sura Tabarak, Al-Mulk, Mulk Sura, Makkan Surah, Night Sura, and Al-Munajiah.

Q: What is the meaning of Al-Mulk?

The term “Mulk” means “Dominion” or “Kingship,” referring to Allah’s absolute sovereignty over all creation.

Q: Which Para is Sura Mulk in Quran?

Sura Al-Mulk is located in the 29th portion (Juz) of the Quran.

Q: How long is Surat ul Mulk?

Surah al Mulk consists of 30 verses (Ayaat), making it one of the shorter suras in the Quran and easier to memorize.

Q: How many Ruku are in Surat ul Mulk?

Sura Mulk has 2 Rukus (sections), with verses divided into two parts: the first ruku includes verses 1–14, and the second ruku covers verses 15–30.

Q: What is special about this Chapter?

Surah Mulk holds significance as one of the most important suras in the Quran, offering blessings such as protection from the punishment of the grave and intercession for those who recite it until they receive Allah’s forgiveness.

Q: How powerful is Surat Mulk?

Sura Mulk emphasizes seeking Allah’s forgiveness and showcases His power and magnificence through its 30 verses.

Q: What is the benefit of reading Surat Tabarak every Night?

The Prophet ﷺ stated that reciting Surat Tabarak every night protects one from the punishment of the grave and prevents deeds that warrant such punishment. It also intercedes on behalf of its companion on the Day of Judgment.

Q: Why do most people read Sura Mulk?

People read Al Mulk for its numerous benefits, including protection from punishment in the grave, intercession on Judgment Day, and reminders of Allah’s greatness and repentance.

Q: What is the reward for memorizing Surah Mulk?

Many authentic hadith mention that reciting Sura Tabarak brings blessings and rewards, as it intercedes for those who recite it until they are forgiven by Allah.

Q: How can I memorize or learn Surah Al Mulk easily?

To memorize Sura Al-Mulk, consider learning one Ayaat each day; you can complete it in just one month since it contains 30 Ayaats.

Q: When is the best time to recite Sura Al-Mulk?

A: Recite Surah Al-Mulk frequently, as it should be part of your regular agenda due to its many blessings and benefits.

Q: How many times should I recite Sura Mulk?

A: Recite Surat Mulk daily without a specific limit until Judgment Day.

Q: Can I recite Surah Mulk after Maghrib?

A: Yes, you can recite Sura Mulk after Maghrib and Isha prayers.

Q: Can I recite Sura Al-Mulk while lying in bed?

A: Yes, you can read Surah Mulk while lying down. Although sitting upright enhances focus, intention matters most when approaching the Quran with respect.

Q: Can I recite Full Surah Mulk every day?

A: Yes, you can easily recite Surat Mulk every day and night.

Q: What happens if I read or listen to Surat Tabarak 100 times?

A: Reciting this powerful sura once or up to 100 times a night is beneficial; regularity is key.

Q: What does Surat Al-Mulk teach us?

Sura Mulk teaches about Allah’s greatness, power, the Day of Judgment, and emphasizes repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

Q: What is the lesson of Surat Mullk?

The main lesson emphasizes that Allah (SWT) is the sole ruler of the universe with power over all things, urging acknowledgment of His greatness and seeking forgiveness.

Q: Why do we read Surat e Mulk?

A: Surah Mullk focuses on seeking Allah’s forgiveness while demonstrating His power and magnificence through its verses.

Q: Which surat is good for sleep?

A: Sura Mulk is beloved for its protective qualities against grave punishment and its ability to intercede for those who recite it nightly.

Q: How can I memorize Surat al-Mulk quickly?

A: For beginners, learn one Ayaat daily; advanced learners may opt for two or more. In a month, you can memorize the full sura while preparing for Judgment Day.

Q: Where did Surat e Mullk originate from?

A: Surah Mulk was revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Makkah during Islam’s early years and is classified as a Makki sura.

Q: What is the first line of Sura Al-Mulk?

A: The first line states: Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent.

Q30: How long does it take to memorize Surat al-Mulk?

A: Memorizing Sura al-Mulk takes about a month if you recite one Ayaat each day due to its 30 verses.

Q: How many pages does Sura Mulk have?

A: Surah Mulk spans 84 pages, making it one of the shorter suras that are easy to memorize.

Q: Why should we recite Surah Mulk?

A: Reciting this sura offers numerous benefits like protection from grave punishment and reminds us of Allah’s greatness and repentance’s importance.

Q: Can I recite Sura e Mulk at any time during the night?

A: Yes, you can recite Sura e Mulk at any time during the night since it is among the shortest suras in the Quran.

Q: How can I memorize Sura Al-Mulk in 10 minutes?

A: To memorize quickly, read it using local transliteration. Our website provides proper transliteration in English font to facilitate memorization within 10 minutes.


So, imagine just before reading quran kareem and before starting this Surah 67, we are talking about all these beautiful meanings of it, and who recites it, the one who takes it to the daily routine, recites it every day every night before going to bed. Also, it says that “Whoever read sura mulk full before sleeping,  mighty protects them from the punishment of the grave. The grave suddenly punishes every single person, believer or not believer.

Death comes upon the believer, not the believer. If he is a believer, he knows Allah, who is the lord, and knows what Sunnah is. What is the way of Prophet ﷺ, the right path, he will be protected.

But imagine the angels will ask, Who is your Lord? What is your religion? How do you live your life? and he will say, I don’t know, then the punishments will intervene over him. So, we want to protect ourselves from this; we don’t want to get or go through any kind of punishments, so because of that, we don’t want to get into at least getting near to that.

So, the best solution and option is to follow the right path, the path that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told us, and follow the commitment of ar-rahman and by that, you are protected.

Reading thirty ayats in full will take only 10 minutes and you are reciting the complete Surat. So by that, we have arrived at the end may allah teachs us with the best of his names, take care of yourself. Allah Hafiz!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Ali

    Jazakallah for creating such a beautiful and informative website about Surah Mulk. It has helped me to understand the meaning of the verses better.

  2. Abdullah

    I appreciate the resources you’ve provided on this It’s a great way to learn more about this important Surah.

  3. Sajid Bhi

    Reciting Surah Mulk has brought me a lot of peace and comfort. Thank you for making it easier to learn and understand.

  4. Tota

    I found the explanation of the verses no 6 on your site to be very helpful. It has deepened my appreciation for Surah Mulk. Thank you

  5. Ahsan

    The way you explain surah Al mulk and it’s tafseer was very clear and easy to understand.

  6. Kashif

    May Allah reward you for your efforts in creating this helpful website.

  7. Minahil

    May Allah reward you for your efforts in creating this helpful website.

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