Assalam-u-Alakum, my brothers and sisters, may Allah increase our knowledge and teach us more. I ask Allah with the best…
Blog Post
The Great Hadith About (Fame and Importance)
Islam began as a stranger, and it shall return to being a stranger just as it began. So, Tu’ba is…
Pray At Tahajuud Time, Your Dreams Will Become Reality
Assalamu Alakum, may Allah Almighty teach us, benefit us from what he taught us, and increase our knowledge. My beloved…
10 Responsibilities Of Men For His Woman In Islam
My brothers, men, are responsible for the care and well-being of women. The word ‘Qawwam’ has various meanings, and one…
Learn Which Good Deeds Should You Prioritize First?
As-Salamu Alaykum, the topic of this blog post is “Which Good Deeds Should You Prioritize First?” Actually, I truly understand…
If You Like A Girl, Do This Right Now
Assalamu Alakum, may Allah Almighty teach us, benefit us from what he taught us, and increase our knowledge. My brothers…
Learn the concept of (Fear and Sadness)
Assalamu Alakum, my brothers and sisters are two of the hardest burdens that human beings live with. Our fear and…
When You Meet Allah Almighty in Jannah
My brothers and sisters, was there ever a time that, from the endless oceans of time, yes, the endless oceans…
What is the purpose of our existence in Dunya?
Allah Almighty mentions in verse No. 2 of Surah Mulk that the purpose of our existence is only for him…
Story Of Bilal & Julaibib (RA): Will Make You Cry
When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, Beloh (RA) couldn’t stay in Medina anymore. There were too many things in…