What is Importance of Recitation of Surah Mulk?

A hadith of Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم in Jami Al-Tirmidhi, 2892 mentions the Importance of the Recitation of Surah Mulk:

“He would not go to sleep at night without reciting Surah Mulk”

Importance of the Recitation of Surah Mulk

Importance of the Recitation of Surah Mulk

This indicates to us the importance of its many virtues. As muslims, we follow the Sunnah of our Nabi صلي الله عليه وسلم, and should recite with a full understanding of its subject matter.

Our tradition tells us that in sleep, we are already in a dead-like states from which we may never awaken, if Allah Almighty chooses to grant us dealth. Ibn Masud (RA) once said:

“The one who recite Surah Tabarak every night, Allah Almighty will spare him from the torment of the grave.”

It is at the time of death that the doors of “Tauba” (Forgiveness) are closed, after which there will be no opportunity for anyone to intercede on our behalf. It is perhaps because of the gravity of this situation that Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم has mentioned in another hadith, in Jami Al-Tirmidhi [2891],

If there is one Surah that will intercede on our behalf and ask Allah Almighty for our ‘Shaf’aah’ (intercession) until we are forgiven on the day of judgment, it is none other than Surah Tabaraak (Surah e Mulk).

This most beloved Surah will act like our companion who will plead our case, exactly in the manner of our good deeds, our salah and our voluntary, fasts, all of which will also plead with Allah Almighty to show us his mercy and to forgive us our sins and grant us all Jannah.

This doesn’t mean, that the mere recitation of this Surah will guarantee an entry into paradise.

It is only when our actions are in sync with the messages and commands of this Surah and, when we put in motion, sincere efforts to redeem ourselves by performing the acts that Allah Almighty loves.

Recitation of Surah Mulk

The most importantly, also refrain from those acts which, he abhors and condemns, especially the “Kabira” (Major) sins, that we can hope to gain entry into a state of perpetual bliss.

An examples of paying mere lie service is given in hadith in which someone asked Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم, about a certain woman, who performed ‘Tahajjud‘ (Night Supererogatory Prayer) regularly and also kept many voluntary fasts as well as depend a lot of Sadqa (Charity).

However, she was known to be extremely harsh to her neighbours and had an acerbic tongue. The Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم reportaly said:

“Their is no good in her, She is one of the people of the fire.”

Also Read:

Another woman who prayed only her prescribed prayers and gave a little in Sadqa, but who was not harsh to anyone, was mentioned by Prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم, as, “One of the people of the garden” in Sahih-Albani-Aldab Al-Mufrad, 119.

There is truly a lot of wisdom in this hadith. We may earn mountains in blessing when it comes to our adherence to Haqooq Allah, but may fall short in dispensing Haqoq Ul Ibaad.

Let us do what we can manage but more importantly, let us not hurt others, Let us forgive, even when we know that the other person is in the wrong. Even if we forgive for selfish reason!

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