
Download Surah Mulk PDF

Surah al-Mulk pdf
Surah al-Mulk pdf

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Surah Al-Mulk will come on the Day of Judgment with a shape like a shade and will say, O Lord! I prevented my recipient from disobeying You in the world, so accept my intercession for him today.

Allah Almighty said in Surah Mulk that “Allah Almighty is the one who created death and life, to see who is doing the best deed?” and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “If a person recites Surah Al-Mulk every night, it is a protection from the punishment of the grave.”

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Can I Download Surah Mulk PDF Free?

A: Yes, you can download and read Surah Mulk for free. On our website, you can read, learn, and download Surah Mulk pdfs.

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