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Why Use the word Imagery in Surah Mulk?

You know, even though Surah Mulk is actually pretty short surah but it talks about some really serious stuff. Like, the topics it covers are super heavy and important! And to really get the message across, Allah (the Almighty) uses some incredibly powerful images in this Surah. It’s like, he paints these vivid pictures in your mind!

For example, if you look at verse 7, it throws you right into this intense scene. It’s got this super vivid description of people who didn’t believe (disbelievers), and it’s showing them about to be tossed into hellfire! It’s intense imagery, right?

Figurative Imagery in Surah Mulk

In verse 7, it’s already intense with the hellfire, right? But then it gets even more intense when it talks about the sound! It’s like this fire isn’t just burning silently. It’s roaring. And not just any roar – the verse uses this word “Shaheek,” and it’s actually meant to sound like the really loud, painful cry of a donkey. Like, that braying sound that comes from deep in its chest? That’s what the fire sounds like! Can you imagine how disturbing that would be?

And get this – it even says they’ll be treated like mules, which is why it’s like the fire is braying like mules! Then, when these disbelievers hear all this insane noise (Izza) and they actually look down into hellfire, they see the fire just exploding upwards (Tafoor). It’s not just burning flat; it’s like rising up to meet them!

It really makes you think about how unbelievably deep Jahannam (hell) must be. Like it’s this giant, bottomless pit that could take in endless amounts of people and still be ready for more.

And then, verse 8 goes even further into the impact of people falling into Jahanam. It uses these words “تَمَيَّزُ” (Tamayyazu) and “ٱلْغَيْظِ” (Al-Ghaith). Think about it like this: imagine a big wok full of super-hot, boiling oil – like, bubbling and spitting hot. And when you throw something into that oil to deep-fry it? You get that huge HISSING sound, right? As the oil bursts and bubbles and just totally surrounds the food? That’s kind of like what these words are describing – that violent, intense reaction when people enter Jahannam.

It’s really striking, how the Quran contrasts things? Like, in verse 15, it talks about the earth being made “Zalool,” which means all nice and easy for us to use, right? It’s so calm and peaceful. And then, you put that next to the description of hellfire, violent, blazing thing we just talked about! It’s like, total opposites! It really makes you think about the different sides of things.

And in verse 30, Allah Almighty tells Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to use the word “Kull,” which means “tell them.” It’s like Allah isn’t even talking directly to the disbelievers himself! He’s telling the Prophet to just convey the message to them. It’s like, they’re not even considered worthy of Allah’s direct address! That’s how serious it is.

And how does the Surah Mulk end? By basically leaving the disbelievers totally silent! It threatens to take away the very thing they depend on for life – their water! The water they’re so proud of and take for granted. Imagine that! The whole scene just ends with all that pride and arrogance of the Quraysh. Because they just have no answer to this incredibly strong statement from Allah. They’re left completely speechless.

What is the Use of Imagery in Surah Mulk

How Surah Al-Mulk Starts and Ends?

It’s like Allah begins and finishes this whole Surah by reminding us about all the blessings that He’s always giving us. He kicks it off by saying that only He can give us so much goodness, this “Tabarak,” this overflowing blessing. And then, how does he end? By warning us that He could take away the very blessings we just totally take for granted—like, our water! It’s like a full circle, reminding us of His authority and His power.

And it’s not just the start and end! Think about all the other incredible images in this Surah. The way the heavens are so perfectly put together, the way the stars are used to pelt the Shayateen (devils), the horrible situation of the disbelievers when they finally admit their mistakes, the reminder of the “Nazeer” – the warner who came to them – and even just the picture of birds flying in the sky with their wings spread out! These are just some of the examples of how Allah uses amazing images to get His message across in this Surah.

What is the concept of Sudoor and Quloob?


You know, sometimes we just need a good shake-up to really see what’s actually real in our lives. Getting too comfy thinking that there won’t be any real consequences for what we do or don’t do? That’s like living in a dream world. The sooner we wake up and understand how Allah’s way of life really works, the better chance we have to fix ourselves, to make things right. And the awesome thing is? It’s never too late to start! So, let’s open our eyes and start right now! What do you say?