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How to Make Dua: Learn What to Ask Allah Almighty?

In Islam, Dua is like a really special and personal conversation with Allah Almighty. It’s like talking directly to Allah (swt)! It’s a super strong way to ask for help, for His kindness, and for good things in our lives. But, it’s important to really think about our Duas. Are we actually understanding how to ask Allah properly, or are we just saying quick wishes without really thinking about it deeply?

Two Types of Duas

To really understand what Dua is all about, we need to see it has two main sides, kind of like when someone’s lost in the ocean. Let’s say there’s a guy, Alvin, and he’s hanging onto a piece of wood after his boat sank.

Example No 1:

The first thing he might do is make Dua like this: “Oh Allah, please just put me on an island right now, make the rain stop, stop the storm!” This kind of Dua is all about wanting Allah to change things outside of you, like, immediately. But, the source points out, if you keep making Duas like this and nothing changes right away (like no helicopter shows up!), you might start feeling like Allah isn’t even giving you hope. This can make you think you should ask Allah Almighty for things that are just not realistic, like turning the ocean into land!

But second Dua is different. Instead of asking Allah to change the storm and the ocean right away, this one is like: “Oh Allah, please give me the strength to get through this hard time.” See? This kind of Dua is about asking for strength inside yourself, and the ability to handle the tough situation you’re in.

Example No 2:

Think about a student who has a big exam coming up. They could make Dua in two different ways. One way, which isn’t so good, would be like: “Oh Allah, please just change this exam. I know it’s supposed to be a really hard medical exam, but could you just turn it into, like, a super easy math test for little kids? So I don’t have to worry about it!” This is kind of like asking Allah to totally change what’s really happening.

But, a better way to make Dua would be: “Oh Allah, please give me the ability to understand all the stuff I need to learn for this exam. Help me focus. And, Allah, please help me not be too nervous when I’m taking the test, and help me not be lazy and give up. You know, make Duas for yourself, for your own abilities.” This kind of Dua is about asking for strength and power within yourself to deal with the exam the way it is.

Make Dua

Learn What is the Purpose of Muslim in Dunya?

Common Mistakes In Dua

A really common mistake people make when they ask Allah for things is that they mostly want to change the world outside of them. We might think about how Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was thrown into a fire, and Allah made the fire cool for him – a real miracle! And we might ask Allah for similar amazing things to happen in our own lives. But, if you really look at the Duas in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (Sunnah), you see that the change we should be asking for is often a change inside ourselves.

Like with that student example, a lot of people tend to make Duas to change the exam itself, instead of asking for the ability to do well on the exam as it is. Many people who don’t have strong faith, they’re always wanting Allah to change everything around them. And when that doesn’t happen, they might even blame Allah Almighty!

Deeper Meaning Of Dua

True Dua isn’t just about bossing Allah around to change everything for you. It’s more about asking for strength and change inside yourself when you talk to Almighty. People who don’t have strong faith often miss this point. They forget that they need to change themselves, and only think about changing the world around them. It’s just wrong to think that reality should bend to what we want, instead of us trying to go along with what Allah wants.

Right Way to Ask Allah Almighty

So, when you ask Allah for things, the right way to think about it is to first learn to just go along with what Allah wants. We shouldn’t just turn to Allah when we’re in trouble or need something. Instead, we should always try to be in a state of just giving ourselves over to Him. This way of always being devoted is really important. There will be a time when the world around us will actually bend to what we want. And that time is when we meet Allah in the afterlife.

If you want to make your faith stronger, read surah yaseen.


Life is like a road with both good days and tough times. Allah gives us challenges in our lives so we can get through them and earn an even bigger reward in the end. These hard times are actually meant to bring us closer to Him. So, when you ask Allah for help, remember to also ask for strength inside yourself and to think about the reason behind the tests you’re going through. Basically, the advice is to take care of yourself.