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Why You Should Recite Surah Mulk Every Night?

Surah Al-Mulk is a powerful chapter of the Quran. It holds immense significance for believers. The name “Al-Mulk” itself means ‘Kingdom’ or ‘Sovereignty’. This Surah is all about telling you Allah’s complete power over everything—not just our world, but the entire universe and everything that happens, both now and in the future, even afterlife.

Power & Perfection of Allah

Surah Al-Mulk begins with an overall declaration of Allah’s power and total control: “Exalted is He, who holds all controls in His hands, who has power over every things”. Allah Almighty talks about how he created everything in supreme perfection and challenges the disbelievers to try and find a flaw. Despite all these examples, the disbelievers are defiant, outright rejecting the obvious truth unfolding in front of their eyes. When the resurrection is mentioned, they ask what will happen.

recite Surah Mulk every night

Surah Tabarak also reflects on the purpose of the creation: “Life” and “Death,” tests in our deeds. This beautiful Surah tells about the perfect creation of heaven and earth by Allah Almighty. It also makes a believer aware of the hellfire, and then Allah is a supreme power, and he knows what we conceal and publicize; indeed, he is Al-Aleem, the All-knowledge.

So, my brother and sisters, make a habit to recite, surah mulk daily.

Confession of Disbelievers

So, what happens if people are just totally stubborn and don’t believe? Well, it really just comes down to them seriously regretting it later on, especially on Judgment Day. The keepers of hell will ask them whether a warner came to them; they will reply in the affirmative, confess their sins, and regret not listening to the Prophets. This conversation is recorded between verses No. 9 and 11.

Benefits of Reciting Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk is one of the greatest blessings of Allah (SWT) over mankind. Various hadiths indicate the importance of Surah Mulk. Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) reported it; I heard the messenger of Allah (SWT) saying there is a Surah in the Quran, which contains 30 Ayah, which kept interceding for a man until his sins are forgiven. Key benefits of reciting Surah Mulk include:

  • It Intercedes for a reciter.
  • It Gives protection from the torment of the grave.
  • It Protects its reciter.

Benefits In the Light of Hadith:

It is reported regarding Abdullah IBN Abbas (R) that he said, “Personally recite Surah Al-Mulk and teach it to your wife and children and to all the other children who live in your home and even to your neighbors, because it is that which grants salvation, and it will firmly demand your salvation from Allah”.

It is reported on the authority of Hazrat Abduallah IBN Mashud (RA) that the one who recites Surah e Mulk every night will be protected from the difficulties of the grave, and also the one who punctually recites it, as Hazrat Abduallah IBN Mashud reported, that Surah Tabaarak holds back the punishment of Allah Almighty.

It is reported under the authority of Hazrat Jaabir IBN Abdullah Ansari (R) that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never slept without reciting Surah Alif Laam Meem, Surah Sajdah, and Surah Mulk.

Did you know! When the punishment of the grave approaches from the direction of the head, it is held back and said to it, “Don’t come near him,” for he has learned Surah Mulk. When it approaches him from the feet, it says to it, O torment, go back, because he used to recite me while standing on these feet.

Can Surah Al Mulk Change our Modern Issues?

In an era where depression and anxiety are common, reciting and reflecting on Surah Tabaarak before going to bed can make us aware of the true meaning of life. It can act as a creative vessel to connect ourselves with Allah Almighty and keep our Iman always high.

You can also read Why Each Surahs in Quran Has a Unique Beauty?


Reciting Surah Mulk every night has great importance; every believer should memorize and recite it to attain great rewards in this world and the afterlife. Like other surahs of the Quran, it is filled with many benefits. Various hadiths show its importance, as it saves us from the day of judgment; it also paves our way to paradise, and it also gets our sins forgiven.