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Darood Sharif (Durood e Ibrahim) Read Online

In Islam, the Durood Ibrahim is a highly valued prayer that sends blessings to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his family. It’s considered one of the most important and widely used forms of “Durood Sharif“. This prayer is a regular part of the daily prayers (Salah) for Muslims, recited in the final part when sitting in prayer. Reciting Durood Ibrahim is also recommended during other times of worship and when remembering Allah.

Durood Sharif Read Online

Durood e Ibrahim

Darood Ibrahim in English:

“O Allah send peace on Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and to the family of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as you sent peace on Prophet Ibrahim (RA) and the family of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) Indeed, you are praiseworthy and glorious. O Allah, bless the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the family of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as you blessed Ibrahim and the family of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) Indeed, you are praiseworthy and glorious.”

Durood-e-ibrahim in Roman (Transliteration):

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin kama sallaita ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed ❁

Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa ala aali Muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibraheema wa ala aali Ibraheema innaka hameedum majeed ❁

What Is Durood Ibrahim?

We can understand the high status of Durood Ibrahim from a verse in the Holy Quran. In this verse, Allah says:

“Surely, Allah and His angels shower blessings upon the Prophet. Therefore, O you who believe, invoke blessings upon him and salute him with worthy greetings.” (Quran 33:56).

This verse highlights the importance of sending blessings on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The practice of Durood Ibrahimi is linked to the Prophet Muhammad’s closest followers, the Companions. It is reported that Hazrat Ka’b bin Ujra, and others, asked the Prophet,

“O Messenger of Allah, we know how to say ‘Salam’ (peace and greetings) to you, but how should we send ‘Durood’ (prayers for blessings) upon you?”

In response to this question, Allah revealed verse 56 of Surah Al-Ahzab in the Quran. This verse clearly says that Allah Himself blesses the Prophet and tells believers to do the same. Then, Prophet Muhammad himself taught his Companions exactly how to say Durood Ibrahimi. This Durood is also special because it mentions both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Ibrahim. Both Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Ibrahim are also called “Khalilullah”, which means “Friend of Allah”. This shows they were very close to Allah Almighty.

Also, Durood e Ibrahimi is unique because it’s a key and needed part of the daily prayers (Salah). Muslims have to say it after the Tashahhud. Allah (the Almighty), because of his great kindness, has made this Durood very special. He promises many, many blessings in this life and the next for anyone who says it regularly.

Importance of Darood e Ibrahim:

Reciting Durood Ibrahim is really good for us. It helps us become closer to Allah and makes our faith stronger and brighter inside. It’s also believed to help us with problems we face in our everyday lives. So it’s good for our spiritual life and our worldly life. And it’s said that every single time you say Durood Sharif, Allah gives you 10 blessings! He also raises you up 10 levels in goodness and forgives 10 bad things you’ve done. This shows how much reward there is in saying Durood Sharif.

In the Light Of Hadith

The Holy Prophet ﷺ said:

“The closest to me on the Day of Judgment is the person who recites Durood to him frequently.” (Tirmidhi)

“Whoever sends blessings on me once, Allah sends 10 blessings upon him.” (Muslim)

Benefits of Durood e Ibrahim

Reciting Durood e Ibrahim brings unlimited benefits in this world and the afterlife. Here are some benefits:

  • It increases faith and spiritual insight.
  • Achieves purity of heart and forgiveness of sins.
  • It brings many blessings in worldly life and expansion in provision.
  • It improves physical health, mental abilities, and relationships.
  • It provides protection from enemies and fulfilment of needs.
  • It leads to a good reputation, self improvement, and good deeds.

How many Different Types of Durood?

Durood Ibrahim is really, really good and is seen as one of the best and most complete ways to send blessings. But, it’s not the only way to send blessings to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). There are other prayers too, like Durood Tunajjina, Durood Nariya, and Durood Taj.

Think of “Darood Sharif” like a general word for any prayer that asks Allah Almighty to bless the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Durood Ibrahim is then like a specific type of prayer, a special kind of Darood Sharif. It’s one particular way of saying Darood Sharif, like how a “rose” is a specific type of “flower”.

Related FAQs:

What is the shorter version of Durood O Salam?

The shorter version commonly used is: “Allahumma Salli ‘ala Muhammad.” Meaning: “O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad.”

How many times should I recite Durood Ibrahim?

There is no fixed number for reciting Durood Ibrahim. You can read at least once a day, as much as possible on Fridays.

Is Durood Ibrahim in Quran or Hadith?

The command to send blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH) is mentioned in the Quran (33:56), while the specific wording of Durood Ibrahim comes from authentic Hadith collections.