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Durood e Akbar: Benefits, Translation, and How to Recite

Durood e Akbar is a special prayer (Durood Sharif) recited to honour Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, highlighting all his attributes. This Durood is called ‘Akbar’ because it is long and describes all the beautiful names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Darood e Akbar Full Image In Arabic

Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar
Durood e Akbar

What is Darood e Akbar?

Durood Akbar is a really amazing and holy prayer of blessings. It’s like a treasure that brings so many blessings into our lives. What makes this prayer special is that it talks about all the wonderful qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Because it describes him so beautifully, people who say Durood Akbar regularly are given special blessings in this world and in the next life.

This prayer, Darood e Akbar, has been well-known and loved by Islamic scholars and Sufi teachers for a very long time, since olden days. Allah Himself has told us how important it is to send blessings on the Prophet. He mentions this in the Holy Quran, in Surah Al-Ahzab, verse number 56. In that verse, Allah says:

“Truly, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels ask God to bless him too. So, O you who believe! Ask Allah to bless him, and greet him with beautiful words of peace.” (Quran 33:56 – simplified meaning). This verse really shows how much God values sending blessings to Prophet Muhammad.

Also read Surah Al-Mulk, because Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Surah Mulk is the protector from the punishment of the Grave”.

Benefits Of Darood Akbar

This special prayer, called Salatul Akbar, is like a powerful prayer that can help with many things. It’s said to be a good way to solve problems you might be facing, and it can also help with getting better from illnesses. It’s also believed to help you become pure both inside (spiritually) and outside (physically). And it can bring relief and comfort when you are having all sorts of troubles.

Religious scholars and Sufi teachers have especially said that this Durood Sharif is good to say on Thursday nights and Fridays. They really emphasized saying it at these times. Saying this special prayer, Dua e Akbar, doesn’t just help with problems in this world. It’s also believed that it can help you in the next life too. It’s like having a special way to ask Prophet Muhammad to help you on Judgment Day.

This salatul akbar is an effective means of solving problems, healing diseases, spiritual and physical purity, and relief from all kinds of problems. The religious sufies have emphasized this Durood Sharif, especially on Thursday night and Friday. Reciting this dua e akbar not only solves worldly problems, but it also becomes a means of interceding for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the hereafter.

Here are some benefits:

  • After the Isha prayer on Thursday night, wearing clean clothes and reciting it gives the blessing of visiting the Holy Prophet ﷺ.
  • Daily reading cleans the heart and mind of the belivers.
  • Protection from troubles and troubles.
  • Get rid of the effects of jinn.
  • Protect you from the evil eyes.
  • Read for 11 days for the success of every difficult task.
  • Study regularly for exam success.
  • Read daily after morning prayer for better progress in business.

Methods Of Reading Darood e Akbar

  • After morning prayer: 1 time.
  • After Isha prayer: 3 times.
  • Times of trouble: 7 times.
  • For special needs: 11 times.
  • For major problem solving: 41 times.

Related FAQs:

What is durood e Akbar?

Durood Akbar is a special durood shareef that is recited in honor of the Holy Prophet Mohammad. This Durood covers all the attributes, perfections, and qualities of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). It is a strong means of spiritual connection with Allah Ta’ala and His Beloved Messenger.

Why is it called Darood e Akbar?

It is called Durood Akbar because, It mentions all the attributes of the Hazrat Muhammad (saw), its benefits and blessings are very great.