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Don’t Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

Assalam-u-Alakum, my brothers and sisters, may Allah increase our knowledge and teach us more. I ask Allah with the best of his names to keep us streadfast on his deen and keep our Iman safe till the day we meet him.

Don't Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

Don’t Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

When a person drifts away from Allah and sometimes doesn’t even drift away, Allah Almighty wants to make you even better. He calls you through four stages. In other words, Allah gives you dawah through four stages. Dawah means an invite. Allah Almighty invites you back through four ways.

First Stage:

The first way is the easiest way, that is for everybody. Every single one of us in this room and around the world gets this first stage for free. The first stage that Allah goes through is that he shows you and clarifies to you the guidance by exposing you to opportunities to lisen or to read or send someone to you to remind you, such as the khutbah on a Friday.

Everyone can sit down and listen to the khutbah; that’s why we must not talk or engage with anybody during the khutbah. On a Jumu’a, Allah is guiding you. Just lisen. Everybody can do that. I’ve heard young people tell me, You know what, Subhanallah! Today, I was thinking about this. I opened up my phone and on YouTube. What’s the first thing that came up? This, Subhanallah! This is a sign.

Don't Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

Yes, it is a sign. It is a sign. So, Allah send you free guidance. Now, if that doesn’t work for you and you continue to go astray, Allah then goes a little bit of a tougher approach.

Second Stage:

In the second stage, he will nurture you through disciplining you. So, first, you didn’t take the reminder when you were comfortable. So, then Allah nurtures you by disciplining you. Now, I want you to think about discipline in relation to parents. Someone who cares about you, If your mother and father discipline you or you discipline your children, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Of course, with the correct way of disciplining, with care and compassion, you will appreciate that your parents disciplined you in order for you to be principled through care and love. Even sometimes it may be harsh for you, such as confiscating your phone or confiscating your whatever is distracting you.

So, Allah Almighty nurtures you through discipline. How? He will bring a problem into your life, a challenge to your life. And we all know that humans learn best through what? Through Problems.

And that’s how Allah (SWT) dealt with all the prophets and messengers and the companions. So, if you have a problem, know that Allah Subhanahu Wa ta’ala is guiding you. Take it in a good way.

Also Read: Surah Mulk Full

Don't Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

Now, the problem is going to be your medicine, and once you overcome it, inshallah. You’re going to be much stronger and better. So, Allah gives you a problem, a learning curve, an awake-up call.

Somebody might get sick in your family, a death may happen and you attend a funeral, you may see somebody get run over, you may have an accident, god forbid, you may lose something, you may be tested a lot or a little bit, depending on how severe, and you need that guidance. If that doesn’t work, Allah will intensify a little bit more to the third stage.

Third Stage:

In the third stage, he will bring you something compelling. The problem is up to you—how you want to face it. But when he brings you something compelling, it means it’s something that you must face. You have no way to avoid it; you have to face it. It could be a court order, it could be a fire, it could be someone that’s facing you and you have to deal with it.

You can’t run away from it; it could be anything like that, could be a sickness, god forbid anything, like that is compelling. A suffering and a minor punishment. Allah say,

“And we shall surely let them taste a little bit of punishment or a little bit of hardship in this world.”

And Allah Almighty calls it Adnah, which means the lower tast before the bigger test, the bigger punishment comes. Why? Allah say,

“In the hope that they will return.”

So, why is a little punishment happening to you in this world? In the hope that you may what? “Return.” So, you can stand up again. If that doesn’t work, no reminders, no problems, no compelling situations, over, over and over, and they accumulate, and we decide to run away from Allah to everything else, to numb our desires and our fears.

Don't Ignore These Four Stages Of Guidane

Drugs, alcohol, crime, God forbid, Haram images, Haram relationships. I hear of some youngsters who run away from their parents into a relationship; this is toxic. The first guy that talks to her says, I can’t wait to get out of this toxic family.

Related Topic: Why is the Young Muslim Generation Losing Their Imaan?

I hate my dad, I hate my mom, and she runs off with the first guy who tells me, I want to run away, take me away, thinking he’s her Jannah. He ain’t your Jannah, darling. After all these stages, if nothing works and the reminders come again and again, then the catastrophe happens, and I’m going to finish it with this.

Forth Stage:

Do you know what the catastrophe is? You might think death, sickness, Allah is going to send a lightning bolt, a lightning on you, someone’s going to murder you, someone is going to go from your family, something terrible is going to happen. You’re going to lose your business. No, no, no.

None of that is going to be the catastrophe. You’ll be surprised to know that the final catastrophe will be. Allah Almighty just let’s you go; he just lets you go, do whatever you want, make as much money as you want, and fulfill every piece of desire that you ever wanted. He abandoned us because we abandoned him, and the only thing we will receive is a temporary, ugly world. And even the world will turn against you. As for the hereafter, there will be nothing left.

Assalamu Alaikum! I am Hammad. I created to help people understand Surah Al-Mulk (67th Chapter), an important chapter from the Quran. After five years of studying its teachings, I explain its meaning and lessons in clear, simple terms that everyone can understand.

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