Darood e Tanjeena is a specific type of Durood Sharif that is sent to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). This Durood is very much liked by Islamic scholars because of its unlimited blessings and benefits. Durood Tanjeena that can bring a revolutionary change in the lives of Muslims all over the world.
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What Is Darood Tanjeena?
In Islam, darood is a supplication by which Allah Almighty is requested to shower His blessings and mercy on His last and most beloved messenger, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. There are different blessings in the religion of Islam, but their main purpose and meaning are the same.
Reciting Durood e Tanjina is a great act of worship that brings us closer to Allah. We should recite this dua daily so that we can get blessings and peace in our daily lives. The purpose of Durood e tanjina is that this prayer is a source of special peace and blessings for our Prophet ﷺ and his family, which leads us to the path of love and unity with one another. This dua is especially useful for those who want peace, tranquility and prosperity in their lives. This Durood is a powerful resource not only for spiritual but also for physical health.
What Is Durood Sharif?
The most favorite and easiest form of Durood Sharif is Darood Ibrahimi. It also includes prayers for the entire family of Hazrat Ibrahim (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ). This Durood is a source of mercy not only for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ but also for his family and all believers. There are many virtues to reciting Durood Sharif. It is not only a means of obtaining the mercy of Allah (SWT), but through it we also strengthen our faith and Iman. Reciting Durood soothes the heart of belief and gives a person spiritual peace.
Darood Tanjina in English:
“O, Allah! Bestow blessings upon Muhammad (SAW), and his Family, such blessings through which You may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. You may satisfy all our needs. You may clean us of all evils and thanks for which You may grant us high position and high rank and status in your presence, and You may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world. Hereafter, as you have full power over everything.”

Benefits Of Darood e Tanjeena
These Darood Tanjeena benefits remind us to incorporate this dua in our lives so that we can be successful both spiritually and worldly.
For Family & Married life:
Reciting Durood Tanjia increases love and harmony in the family. This dua is helpful in strengthening marital relations, as it invokes the mercy of Allah, which increases love and understanding between husband and wife.
Strengthening Our Faith:
Faith increases by reciting this Durood. When we send blessings upon the Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it gives peace to our hearts and brings us closer to Allah. Through this dua, we can improve our spiritual condition.
Increases Health and Peace of Mind:
Reciting Durood Tanjeena is beneficial for physical and mental health as well. This dua helps a person get out of despair and depression. When we recite this Durood with conviction, it gives us strength to face our difficulties.
Help For Success:
This blessing also helps in achieving success. When we recite this dua with heart, Allah Ta’ala blesses us with His blessings, which makes us successful in both this world and the hereafter.
Getting closer to Allah:
Finally, reciting Durood Tanjeena brings us closer to Allah Almighty. It is an act that purifies our hearts and makes us worthy of Allah’s love and mercy.
Thus, Durood Tanjeena becomes a means to improve our lives in every aspect, be it health, family, or spiritual growth.
Darood Tanjeena 11 Times Wazifa
Method: Do this amal after Salat ul Esha at a time just before slepping.
- Read Darood Tanjena 11 Times.
- Then Read Ayah 82 of Surah Yaseen 21 times.
- The sit on posture of At-tahyat or as you feel comfortable.
- Relax your body and there no limb of body should be tense.
- Take 5-7 deep breaths.
- Fill your chest with deep breath while saying Allah, Allah in your heart.
- Then hold your breath and chat Allah, Allah as long as you can in your heart.
- Then slowly exhale your breath while saying, HU, Hu, Hu in your heart and fell like your inner has filled with fragrance of Ism-e-zaat.
- Your nerves should be relaxed in 5-7 breaths.
- Now, think about your wish that could be any wish you want to come trure.
Recite Darood Tanjeena and read ayah no. 82 of Surah Yaseen. After taking 5-7 breaths, close your eyes, relax your body, and think that your wish has become true. Watch it in your imagination like a complete scene with details that it is happening truly in your life. Suppose you are an engineer and you don’t have a job, and you don’t know what department is better for your job.
Now, think about it like: I’m in a great dress and sitting on a chair, and there is a fancy table in front of me, and there are a lot of files and other office stationary on it. Think that I’m very satisfied in that environment and have good health. My subordinates come to consult with me, and I’m singing different files and papers. I’m very famous in my department for my hard work and intelligence. My seniors are happy with me. They respect me and appoint me for huge projects, and I’m fulfilling these projects with vigilance and honesty. I’m sure surrounded by happiness and success.
Then, in the same imagination, take yourself into the field and watch yourself as you are inspecting the fieldwork. Watch it with every detail. The same way if you want to marry, then create a scene of your matrimonial life. Think about having a beautiful wife and husband in this scene, like you are living an ideal life. Create your ideal home in your imagination, and if you want to marry any particular person, then create a scene to see him or her as a spouse in your matrimonial life.
If you want to get rid of a disease or you want to have a powerful body, then watch yourself in a scene where you have a muscular body or think you have already gotten rid of your disease. You have become a beautiful and lively person. Now, you understand from the example how you have to imagine about your wish. It is like daydreaming about your wish. Believe me! If you do it with full concentration as described, it will become a reality of your life.
This is one secret of the success of this wazifa. A question will arise again and again in your mind about how it will happen or come true. This is the secret of this Tanjeena wazifa—you don’t have to think about this question at all. Forget this thing, as this negative thinking will raise repeatedly in your mind and will derail you by different negative thoughts. Why are you putting yourself in this trouble? Why are you doing this silly thing?
That time you have to respond to this though with a sentence that contains no negative thought! You are false; leave me immediately. My imagination is right, and it will definitely become true. Then think again about your wish. I assure you that there are 99% possibilities that this scene will become true. Every device that changes a human’s inner uses the same technique. He possesses such belief that he thinks just once for you, and it happens.
But the master key of this wazifa is that ayah we told in the beginning:
إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُۥٓ إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْـًٔا أَن يَقُولَ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ
“All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it, “Be!” And it is!”
This command of Allah Almighty has covered the entire universe, and the same command gives us success in fulfilling our wishes.
Most people gain success with this method in a few days, weeks, or months, and the people who take longer than this are people who can’t control their negative thoughts. Another explanation is necessary that don’t imagine impossible things while doing this practice like I have gained life forever or I have become the richest man in the world in a few days, weeks or months.
Select your wishes one by one, if you are a pauper then make first target about finding a proper job or means to have enough sustenance. Then make next target about financial development and improvement. Do Darood Tanjina wazifa in a same way to reach millions and billions. This is necessary in this wazifa. Other wise if you start to think from then top of a thing then it strikes back negatively.
The universal computer of Allah Almighty cannot sort out what exactly you want. What’s why make a complete order of your wishes and reap success with this rare Tanjina Wazifa? The same thing happens while we pray to Allah.
You can also read Darood Taj to seek blessings, protection, and peace.
Related FAQs
What is Darood Tanjeena good for?
Darood Tanjeena is a blessed supplication that serves as a powerful means of seeking Allah’s (SWT) mercy. It is particularly beneficial for relieving anxiety, curing ailments (both physical and spiritual), achieving success in difficult times, and gaining protection from hardships and enemies.
How many times should I read Darood Tanjeena?
The number of recitations varies based on your purpose:
- For general blessings: 7 times daily
- For specific needs (Hajat): 7 times with 3 times Darood Shareef before and after
- For special desires: 500 times
- For immediate response: 1000 times in the middle of night (as mentioned by Muhyiddin ibn Arabi RA)
What is the meaning of Durood Tanjeena?
Darood Tanjeena comes from the Arabic word “Najaat,” meaning salvation or rescue. It is a special form of sending salutations upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) while seeking Allah’s (SWT) mercy and blessings.
What is the meaning of Tanjeena in Urdu?
In Urdu, Tanjeena (نجینا) means “to save” or “to rescue.” It represents salvation and deliverance from difficulties.
Can you recite Darood Tanjeena without Wudu?
While it is possible to recite it without Wudu, it is highly recommended to be in a state of ritual purity (Wudhu) when reciting this blessed Darood for maximum benefits and proper respect.
Is Darood Tanjeena in the Quran?
No, the specific words of Darood Tanjeena are not mentioned in the Holy Quran. However, it was first recited by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and is based on the Quranic command to send salutations upon the Prophet (SAW).
Can we call Durood Tanjina a prayer (Dua)?
Yes, Darood Tanjina can be called a prayer (Dua) as it is a form of supplication combining praise for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with seeking Allah’s (SWT) mercy.
Can we call Durood e Tunajjina as Salatul Tunjina?
Yes, both names refer to the same blessed supplication. They are different terms for the same prayer.
Darood Tanjeena is a powerful dua with immense spiritual and worldly benefits, bringing peace, blessings, and success to our lives.
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