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6th Kalma Radde Kufr: Benefits And English Translation

The Six Kalimas are fundamental pillars of Islamic faith, encapsulating the core beliefs that guide Muslims in their daily lives. Among these, the 6th Kalima (Radde Kufr), also known as the last Kalima, holds a special place in the hearts of believers worldwide. In this article, you can explore the meaning of sixth kalima, it’s benefits, and how 6th kalma impacts your mental health.

6th Kalma

6th Kalma In Arabic

Below is the 6th Kalima Radde Kufr in Arabic text:

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنِّیْٓ اَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ اَنْ اُشْرِكَ بِكَ شَيْئًا وَّاَنَآ اَعْلَمُ بِهٖ وَ اَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لَآ اَعْلَمُ بِهٖ تُبْتُ عَنْهُ وَ تَبَرَّأْتُ مِنَ الْكُفْرِ وَ الشِّرْكِ وَ الْكِذْبِ وَ الْغِيْبَةِ وَ الْبِدْعَةِ وَ النَّمِيْمَةِ وَ الْفَوَاحِشِ وَ الْبُهْتَانِ وَ الْمَعَاصِىْ كُلِِّهَا وَ اَسْلَمْتُ وَ اَقُوْلُ لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ اللهِؕ

6 Kalma in English Translation:

O Allah! I seek Your refuge from associating anything with you knowingly, and I seek forgiveness from You for (shirk) that I do not know. I have repented from it and I have detested disbelief, idolatry, tellingly, backbiting, bad innovations, tale-telling, indecency, accusations, and all the sins. I embrace Islam and say there is none worthy of worship but Allah; Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.

6th Kalima Transliteration:

Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min an ushrika bika shai’an wa ana a’lamu bihi wa astaghfiruka lima la a’lamu bihi tubtu ‘anhu wa tabarra’tu min al-kufri wash-shirki wal-kidhbi wal-ghibati wal-bid’ati wan-namimati wal-fawahishi wal-buhtani wal-ma’asi kulliha wa aslamtu wa aqulu la ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasulullah.

Chata Kalma Tarjuma In Urdu

اے اللہ میں تیری پناہ مانگتاہوں اس بات سے کہ میں کسی شئے کو تیراشریک بناؤں جان بوجھ کر اوربخشش مانگتاہوں تجھ سے اس گناہ کی جس کو میں نہیں جانتا اورمیں نے اس سے توبہ کی، اورمیں بیزار ہوا کفر سے اورشرک سے اورجھوٹ سے اورغیبت سے اوربدعت سے اورچغلی سے اوربے حیائیوں سے اوربہتان سے اورتمام گناہوں سے اورمیں اسلام لایااور میں کہتاہوں اللہ کے سوا کوئی عبادت کے لائق نہیں ,محمد صلی اللہ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم الله تعالیٰ کے رسول ہیں۔

What is 6th Kalma? Radde Kufr

6th Kalma means “Rejecting Disbelief.” It’s like making a strong promise to believe in only one God (this is called monotheism) and to reject worshipping idols (like statues) or any other false gods (this is called idolatry) and not believing in God (disbelief).

As the last kalma, it shows that a believer is finding safety in Allah Almighty, turning away from not being faithful to God, and stating their belief that Allah is the only one (the Almighty). This Radde Kufr Kalma (another name for the 6th Kalma) is not just saying you to believe but also a way to grow spiritually and personally; it helps believers become closer to Allah Almighty.

Benefits of the 6th Kalima

The 6th Kalima is highly important because it shows the concept of Kufr, which means “to conceal”. It targets the disbelievers who reject the truth about Allah’s oneness and sovereignty. By reciting this Kalima, believers strengthen their faith in Allah Almighty and Islam, affirming their commitment to believe in only one God (Allah). Consistent recitation of the 6th Kalima leads to spiritual resilience, mental health benefits, and overall life satisfaction.

The benefits of reciting the 6th Kalima are:

  • Makes Faith Stronger: It builds up a believer’s strength and makes their spiritual base solid. Think of it like strengthening the foundation of a building so it stands tall and firm.
  • Gives Spiritual Safety: It’s like asking Allah to protect you from bad things (evil and jinns). This makes you feel safe and strong inside, like you have a shield against worries and fears.
  • Helps You Focus Your Mind: By paying close attention to each word of the 6th Kalma, it helps you become calm and think clearly. It’s like clearing the bad things from your mind so you can see things sharply.
  • Makes You Feel Thankful: It helps you appreciate all the good things Allah Almighty has given you. This grows a positive way of thinking and makes you happy because you recognize all the blessings in your life.
  • Guides You to Be Good: It shows believers how to act in a good and right way (ethically). This helps you behave well with others and in society, making your personal life and relationships better.

5 Types of Disbelief (Kufr)

As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the word kufr means “to conceal”. It is very important for believers to understand the different types of Kufr to avoid them.

  1. Kufr-Bil-Qawl: This means saying things that show you don’t believe in God. It’s about expressing your disbelief through words.
  2. Kufr-Bil-Fil: This is about doing actions that show you don’t believe in God. It means your actions and behaviors go against the teachings of faith and demonstrate a lack of belief. For example, actions that are directly against God’s commands and are done knowingly as defiance.
  3. Kufr-Bil-Itiqad: This is the deepest form, where you don’t truly believe in God in your heart, even if you say or do things outwardly. It’s about your inner beliefs and convictions. You might act like a believer, but deep inside, you lack faith and true belief.
  4. Kufr-e-Akbar: This is the most serious kind of not believing. It’s a complete rejection of God and faith. This type of Kufr takes someone completely outside the boundaries of faith.
  5. Kufr-e-Asghar: This is a lesser form of not believing. It doesn’t take you completely out of faith, but it’s still wrong and goes against faith. It might be actions or words that are like disbelief but are not as serious as major disbelief. Think of it as a mistakes or sins that weaken faith, rather than completely destroying it.

Kalma 6th Radde Kufr in Light of Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) highlighted how important it is to stay away from Kufr (not believing in God) in many of his hadiths (sayings). These Hadiths teach us why prayer and good actions are important for keeping our faith strong and avoiding disbelief.

  1. “Indeed, what separates a believer from worshipping idols and not believing in God is stopping prayer.” (Sahih Muslim 82).
    • This means that praying regularly is a key thing that marks the difference between someone who believes in God (Allah) and someone who doesn’t or who worships idols. Prayer is like a clear sign of faith, and leaving prayer can lead you closer to Kufr.
  2. “Fighting with a believer is Kufr and saying bad things about him is doing wrong.” (Sunan An-Nasai 4113).
    • This means that getting into conflict or fighting with another believer is like a form of Kufr. Also, saying bad things and insulting another believer is a sinful and bad action.

How can you Implement 6th Kalima into your daily life?

If you really want the good benefits from the 6th Kalima, then you should make it a part of your daily routine. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Best Times to Say It: Say the Kalima every day, especially right after you finish your prayers (Daily Prayer). Think of it as a good habit to build into your prayer routine.
  • Say It With Focus: When you are quietly thinking or meditating, really pay attention to what each word of the Kalima 6 means. Don’t just say the words quickly; think about their meaning deeply.
  • Use It in Daily Quiet Time: If you have a regular time each day like 10 to 15 mint to meditate or be quiet, include saying the Kalma in that time. This can help you feel more peaceful and calm in your daily life.
  • Practice Being Thankful: After you say the Kalima, think about the good things you are thankful for. You can even write down a few things you appreciate. This helps you feel more grateful for all the blessings in your life.

How does 6 Kalima change your mental health?

Reciting the 6th Kalima can really help your mind to be healthier by making you feel peaceful and strong inside. Saying it regularly helps to worry less and feel less stressed because it reminds you to trust in Allah (the Almighty). It tells you to give your worries to Allah, which helps you feel calm inside and more aware of the present moment.

Related FAQs

How can the 6th Kalima help my mind?

Saying the 6th Kalima can help you feel peaceful and strong inside. It can make you worry less and feel less stressed. It also helps you become very calm inside and more aware of the present moment.

Can people who are not Muslim learn anything from the 6th Kalima?

Yes! If non-Muslims learn about the 6th Kalima, it can help them understand Muslim culture better and be more understanding towards Muslims. It can also help them learn about big ideas like faith and being strong in difficult times, which are very important for everyone, no matter their religion.

How often should I say the 6th Kalima to help myself grow?

You should try to say it every day as part of your daily routine, or when you are quietly thinking or meditating. This can help you feel more connected spiritually and emotionally stable.

Six Kalimas in Islam

1 Kalma2nd Kalma3rd Kalma
4th Kalma5th Kalma6th Kalima


In conclusion, it’s really important to put all six kalimas into your daily life practice to have a complete set of beliefs as a Muslim. Reciting them every day is something like every believer should do. The 6th Kalima, especially, has lots of benefits for your personal and spiritual growth. It helps you feel closer to Allah Almighty and guides you to live in a good and right way. By understanding and living by the wise teachings of the 6th Kalima, you can make your connection with Allah stronger and live a life filled with faith, thankfulness, and good behavior.

Assalamu Alaikum! I am Hammad. I created Surahalmulk.net to help people understand Surah Al-Mulk (67th Chapter), an important chapter from the Quran. After five years of studying its teachings, I explain its meaning and lessons in clear, simple terms that everyone can understand.

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