In Islam, there are six important kalimas, which are considered foundational declarations of faith. Like the first kalma tayyub that we discussed in the previous post, it focuses on two main Islamic themes: the absolute oneness of God (Allah), known as Tawheed, and the acceptance of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His last messenger.
2nd Kalma In Arabic
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
Second Kalima In English:
“I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without a partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger”
2 Kalima English Transliteration:
“Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadur Rasulullah”.
Kalma 2 with Urdu Translation:
“میں گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ اللہ کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں، اور میں گواہی دیتا ہوں کہ محمد (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) اللہ کے رسول ہیں۔”
What Is 2nd Kalma?
The Second kalima, also known as the “2nd Kalma” or “Kalima Shahadat,” meaning “bearing witness to faith,” it is a basic declaration of faith for Muslims. It highlights the core concept of Tawwhid (the oneness of God) and the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW). The 2 Kalima is divided into two parts.
The first part, “Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah,” means “I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except God (Allah)”. This part emphasizes that Allah is the only God, and there is no one else to worship.
The second part, “wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadur Rasulullah,” means “And Muhammad is the Messenger of God”. This section acknowledges that Muhammad (SAW) is the final prophet sent by Allah Almighty. Combining these two beliefs, Muslims declare their faith in one God (Allah) and His final messenger (Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).
Importance of the 2nd Kalma (Kalima Shahadat)
The 2nd Kalma is very important part of the Islamic faith. Reciting it is a sunnah declaration of belief and a commitment to Islam. It shows that a Muslim has submitted to Allah, the Almighty. This Kalima beautifully reinforces the idea of Tawwhid, that Allah is one, and it acknowledges that Muhammad (SAW) is his last prophet. The Kalima shahadat completes the doctrine of faith. The Kalma Shahada is also mentioned in the Quran and Hadith. It is also one of the fundamental pillars of Islam.
Benefits of Reciting the 2nd Kalma
The Second Kalima, “Ash-hadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadur Rasulullah”. Which means, “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without a partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger”, is more than just words, it completes the doctrine of Muslim faith. There are many benefits to reciting the 2nd Kalima:
Spiritual Rewards:
- The one who says Kalima Shahadat, Allah pleased him.
- It brings inner peace, spiritual rewards and contentment.
- It gives life a sense of purpose.
Practical Benefits:
- It affirms Muslim faith.
- It guides Muslims to follow the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
- It helps in seeking forgiveness.
- It provides comfort and strong strength during hard times.
Benefits in the Afterlife:
- It eases death.
- It leads to great blessings and benefits.
- It allows you to be with truthful people in Jannah (Paradise).
- It is a means of entering Paradise.
- It helps one reach the highest levels of virtue.
Hadith Based Benefits:
A hadith mentions that all eight gates of paradise will be opened for the person who recites 2nd Kalima after wudu. Mashallah!
Prophet Muhammad stated that “Verily, you are coming to a people among the humans of the Book (Ahly Kitab), so call them to testify there is no God but Allah (the Almighty), and I am the Messenger of Allah.” (Bukhari 1422H).
Roles of Kalma Shahadat in Daily Life
If you want to make your daily life peaceful and comfortable, then you should need to recite the Kalima 2 regularly. Reciting the second Kalima helps believers to remain calm and honest. Many Muslims claim that all their actions are in line with the Quran and Sunnah by saying it. You can repeat the 2nd Kalima after wudu (ablution) and during daily prayers. It is also recited during important life events. It reminds Muslims that Allah is their creator and sustainer. It is said that reciting the Kalima no 2 wipes away every fears, except for the fear of Allah (the Almighty).
What Nullifies the Benefits of the 2nd Kalma?
There are four things that can negate the benefits of the 2nd Kalima:
- Shirk: believing in other gods besides Allah.
- Shak: Having doubts about the religion.
- Tashbih: Linking Allah to an imaginary creature.
- Tatil: believing that Allah doesn’t interfere with beings.
The 2nd Kalima and Conversion to Islam
To convert to Islam, it is very important for a person to recite the Kalima Shahadat with sincerity and the intention to embrace Islam.
What is the connection between 2nd Kalma and Adhan?
The second Kalima is a part of the Adhan (call to prayer). The adhan is recited five times a day to call Muslims to pray. The adhan includes the following phrases: “Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar; Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah, Ash-hadu an la ilaha illallah; Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah, Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulullah”.
Which means, “Allah is the Most Great, Allah is the Most Great, Allah is the Most Great, Allah is the Most Great; I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah; I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. Muslims are in constant remembrance of Allah when they hear the adhan.
Related FAQs
What is the 2nd Kalma?
The second kalma is a declaration of faith that affirms the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (SAW).
When should I recite the 2nd Kalma?
Muslims are encouraged to recite it regularly, especially during five prayer, reflection, and significant life events.
Is the Shahadat a Kalima?
Yes, it is a Kalima, and the second part of the first Kalima.
Can non-Muslims benefit from learning about the Kalima?
Yes, it can give non-Muslims insight into the beliefs of Islam and foster understanding.
What are the benefits of reciting this Kalima?
It brings spiritual rewards, guidance, and blessings in this life and the afterlife.
How do I convert to Islam?
By reciting the Kalima Shahadat with sincerity and the intention to embrace Islam.
How does reciting this 2 Kalima help with seeking forgiveness?
Reciting second kalima with sincerity can be a means of seeking forgiveness and turning to Allah’s guidance.
Are there any spiritual benefits to reciting the second Kalima?
Yes, it can bring inner peace, contentment, and a sense of purpose.
In conclusion, the 2nd Kalma is a crucial part of Islam. It emphasizes the oneness of Allah and that Muhammad (SAW) is his final messenger. It’s important to include this Kalima in your daily life. By living according to the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), you can gain numerous advantages in this life (Dunya) and Afterlife (Akhirah).